Seabin: Cleaning the oceans one marina at a time

There are several reasons why I decided to support this campaign, but I must admit that most of them originate from the fact that I grew up – and spent most of my childhood, by the ocean. Living in a town that relies heavily on the summer tourism industry, and the port and harbour for income, I have seen the damage and pollution that these things inevitably cause. However, it isn’t practical to stop these things from occurring – so we must try to mitigate the damage.

Enter the Seabin, a product developed by some ex-surfers in Perth, Western Australia. The concept behind it is startlingly simple: filter water and debris through a natural fibre ‘catch bag’, the debris and oils get trapped and the clean water is released. A single Seabin works 24/7 and simply needs the catch bag to be removed and emptied when full.

I love this initiative and it is a very clever solution to a problem that is much larger. The small-scale nature of these items means that they can be installed at even the smallest of marinas and still have a considerable impact.

The Indiegogo campaign can be found here: Seabin: Cleaning the oceans one marina at a time

More information can be found on the website: Seabin project

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